OpenSource CMS is a centralized database giving you access to an array of options. It gives you a chance to try out some of the best development tools out there without needless marketing hype. Take a look at the social dating software category and explore the apps side by side Best Dating Website Builders and Themes for Dating Sites · pH7CMS is a Professional, Free & Open Source PHP Social Dating Builder Software (primarily designed for Webmasters and Developers ). This Social Dating Web App is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller).5/5
Leading, Open Source Dating Web App Software | Open Source PHP Social Dating Builder
With pH7CMSanyone can start a Social Dating web app like Tinder or Badoo in a day without any technical knowledges. pH7CMS is the most powerful ready-made Dating Site Builder using the latest Web technologies and includes all Dating features you need to create a similar or clone Web App like Match free dating site builder software Zoosk.
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The number of people who free dating site builder software Internet to date someone is increasing every year. Dating Businesses have also become the second most profitable niche on the Web and all leading dating businesses are increasing more and more their incomes every year.
You are also able to block entire countries from accessing your website. Finally, it is fully protected against SQL injection, XSSCSRFSession Fixation, Authentication Hacking, Brute-Force Login, Reverse Tabnabbing phishing attacks and can even protect against some DDoS attacks!
Get more visitors from any devices thanks pH7CMS. The software has been built to moderate absolutely all UGC User-Generated Content.
pH7CMS definitely stops that! It also allows you to log in into any user accounts and do what you need. Highly optimized for Search Engines. pH7CMS has been built by a SEO expert.
Sitemaps including sub-sitemaps as well! The software also fully uses the features offered by the new hreflang attribute to get the best SEO rate although you have a multi-languages site. Thanks to the powerful and interactive communication tools integrated in the software, your users can express their opinions, share their ideas and seize their unforgettable moments anywhere and interact directly and instantly with other users and friends around the world!
The software allows you to earn money easily by working a little bit in the long term. With the Banner Module and the JavaScript Code Injectorfree dating site builder software can easily integrate highly profitable affiliate programs. In addition, you can offer Paid Membership Plans to your users to get Smart Recurring Income.
Finally thanks pH7CMS, you will be able to accept credit card payments from users the most popular payment gateways such as PayPalStripeBraintree2CheckOut and Bitcoin. Users like to be anonymous on dating sites. Allowing to pay through Bitcoin is an excellent way to increase easily the retention rate of your users!
Your Real Web Dating Business Can Be in Your Hands Right Now Thanks pH7CMS! Please tell me more about my Love! Some Specification Making it the Best. pH7 Dating CMS is a Professional Social CMS to build an Online Dating Services or Social Network Websites.
The software is completely written in OOP Object-Oriented PHP with the MVC programming pattern Model-View-Controller. It is designed free dating site builder software the KISS principle in mind and the all source code can be read and understood in minutes. For the best flexibility, the script also uses PDO PHP Data Objects abstraction which allows the choice of the database.
The principle of the "pH7CMS's development" is DRY Don't Repeat Yourself aimed at reducing repetition of information of all kinds not duplicate code. In addition, it is fastlow-resource-intensiveextremely powerful and very secure.
Your data is YOURS! Host your web service anywhere you want, free dating site builder software, control your data, and do not depend on anyone! What Makes pH7 Social Dating CMS Different, free dating site builder software.
Why your business has to be under the mercy of others? With pH7CMS, you get your own server, data and files, hosted in your own Web host. By choosing pH7CMS, you are finally in the total control of your Business! Integrated since pH7CMS 1. Search forms will autocratically guess the preferences of the user gender, looking for, free dating site builder software, free dating site builder software, city, match age, etc. and will directly give the best matched users.
Unlike its competitors, pH7CMS has been built by thinking on security first and it is now the most secure one available on the market today. Why pH7CMS? And How Different From Competitors?
Download, install and free dating site builder software it! Nothing better than « pH7CMS » when you're a developer who wants to collaborate on a really exciting project! We believe that our dating software is really, really one of the best for "experienced webmasters" or "programmers"! Test it, share and contribute with us! pH7 Social Dating Software. Build a Beautiful Dating Community TODAY!
As Easy As It Sounds! Imagine in 3 months' time, you have a well-known successful online community with thousand of happy users and you haven't spent a dime for it! Instead, you have spent your money smartly on advertising and user acquisition. Imagine the time you have saved. The great business and freedom you have now created And you were nowhere 90 days before this! See if pH7CMS is still available If so, you will be able to install it on your web host. Create The Next KILLER "Social Dating" Business.
Let's Start NOW! instead of wasting your time and procrastinate. Pictures, Videos, Chat, Instant Messaging, Games, Attractive Responsive Design Get more visitors from any devices thanks pH7CMS. Become a Patron , free dating site builder software. UGC Moderation System The software has been built to moderate absolutely all UGC User-Generated Content.
SEO-Friendly Highly optimized for Search Engines. Create a Real Freedom Discussion Area Thanks to the powerful and interactive communication tools integrated in the software, your users can express their opinions, share their ideas and seize their unforgettable moments anywhere and interact directly and instantly with other users and friends around the world! Make Money in an Easey Way The software allows you to earn money easily by working a little bit in the long term. Who Use It? Finally, free dating site builder software, pH7CMS is based on the latest Web technologies available today.
Internationalization System I18N : Our Community Dating Software can be translated easily into any language with the PoEdit software. Offer people to advertise your site without spending a dollar thanks to the Affiliate Module integrated to the software! Empowered Intelligent Caching System for the database, template files, static files HTML, CSS, JSstring content, etc.
The cache system also compresses the contents to save the bandwidth on your server and reduce its cost. or even propose free dating site builder software API to partners, developers or users Full API: pH7CMS is delivered with a RESTful API and a Retrieving Data Class helper in order to give you the possibility to create an iOS iPhone, iPad, Apple WatchAndroid or any other kind of Web or Phone applications based on the user's data of your website.
Have the full control of the data and finally be in the total control of your business. See How GOOD It Is! Don't let your Business be Controlled by Others! Give a New Intuitive Search Experience to your Users thanks to SISE Integrated since pH7CMS 1. Start SMART With The Most Secure One Unlike its competitors, pH7CMS has been built by thinking on security first and it is now the most secure one available on the market today.
Go Ahead by Taking pH7CMS Today! Start your own Dating Website right now with pH7CMS. Download and Install it. Taht's all! Become a Patron Today . Unlike our competitors, we don't create hundreds of dating templates. The other competitors you might have seen offering 10, 50 or even hundreds of dating themes are just lying.
So that's why at pH7CMS, what matters is QUALITY rather than quantity! Unlike any other competitor, pH7CMS is not only a "Dating Software Provider"but a Real Dating Business Solution with a special support from your " Startup Dating Ideas " until your " Profitable Online Dating Business including your Successful Dating Brand " thanks our " e-Dating Marketing " Packages. By choosing pH7CMS, you get the Full Source Code nothing is encrypted!
We love beautiful code and pH7CMS reflects exactly that! If you still do not believe, please check by yourself!
pH7 Social Dating CMS (pH7Builder)❤️ download |
OpenSource CMS is a centralized database giving you access to an array of options. It gives you a chance to try out some of the best development tools out there without needless marketing hype. Take a look at the social dating software category and explore the apps side by side Best Dating Website Builders and Themes for Dating Sites · pH7CMS is a Professional, Free & Open Source PHP Social Dating Builder Software (primarily designed for Webmasters and Developers ). This Social Dating Web App is fully coded in object-oriented PHP (OOP) with the MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller).5/5
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